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Precision Agriculture and Data Management

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The overall goal of this research program is to develop scientifically sound engineering solutions for precision crop management against the evident climate change. The central focus is to realize “farms of the future” with advanced remote sensing of crop and its environment, internet-of-things enabled edge and cloud computing tools to implement management decisions in real/near real time for a range of field and specialty crops.

The extension program focuses on dissemination of knowledge and grower-friendly smart farming tools for production agriculutre. The aim is to develop smart farm test beds at grower fields and also engage agricultural sensor and data management companies to present real crop production scenarios to the grower. My program also aims to assist growers in rapid selection of tolerant crop cultivars and pertinent management practices through user-friendly precision ag technologies.

Pius Jjagwe - Ph.D. Student, Precision Agriculture and Data Management

Sathish Raymond Sahayaraj - Ph.D. Student, Precision Agriculture and Data Management 

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