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Tidewater Agricultural Research and Extension Center

Tidewater Agricultural Research and Extension Center

Drone view over TAREC

aerial view of Tidewater AREC

Latest News and AREC updates


  • Cotton, peanut, and soybean agronomy
  • Plant pathology of vegetables and agronomic crops
  • Row crop entomology
  • Plant physiology
  • Swine reproductive physiology and management
  • Plant parasitic nematode management
  • Plant breeding and variety testing
  • Precision agriculture and data management


  • Precision drone technology for spraying and plant stress assessment
  • Variable rate and micro-irrigation for row crops
  • Soil and atmospheric monitoring to improve input management for optimized yield response


  • 465-acre farm
  • 228-person auditorium
  • 34 buildings, including a new pesticide storage and disposal facility
  • 2 greenhouses; one fully automated
  • 5 rainout shelters for controlled rainfall and irrigation research


  • Peanut, cotton, corn, soybean, and small grain associations
  • Swine industry
  • Agricultural chemical, seed, and fertilizer industries
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