Ajay Kumar Maurya
Postdoctoral Associate, Precision Agriculture Technologies and Data Management Lab

6321 Holland Road
Suffolk, VA 23437
Suffolk, VA 23437
Multisensor Data Fusion:
- Fusion of synthetic aperture radar/multispectral satellite and drone data for crop yield, crop classification, crop monitoring, crop biophysical, and earth surface parameters retrieval.
- Fusing multisensor and multifrequency data for resolution enhancement to obtain high temporal and high spatial resolution information is useful in crop yield, soil moisture, drought monitoring, flood monitoring, and various other applications
Machine Learning and Deep Learning:
- Development of machine learning and deep learning models to extract in-depth information and fully utilize the multisensor information.
Electromagnetic Modelling:
- Development of electromagnetic models from vegetative field or mixed class (viz. urban, soil, vegetation) scenario to estimate the earth surface parameters.
- Instrument experience/Advanced geospatial lab setup
Field Data Collection:
- Drone: Flight plan and data acquisition with DJI Matrice 100(Micasense RedEdge-M multispectral camera and RGB camera) and DJI Phantom quadcopter
- Soil moisture instrument: Time domain reflectometry (FieldScout TDR-300 meter) and captative probe method
- Leaf area index meter (LP-80)
- Software packages: MATLAB, Python, HFSS
- Geospatial software: Pix4D, Drone deploy and one button software for drone flight plan, data acquisition and its pre-processing; ENVI, SNAP and QGIS for multispectral and SAR satellite data processing
- Google earth engine: cloudbased platform for earth science data analysis
- Ph.D. Electronics and Communication Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee, India - 2023
- M.Tech Electronics and Communication Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee, India - 2015
- B.Tech Electronics and Communications Engineering , Dr. R M L Awadh University Faizabad, India - 2011
- MHRD Scholarship, Ph.D. (Dec 2019- Jan 2021)
- IITR Alumni fund: Grant by Alumni Fund, IITR, Roorkee, India to attend IGARSS 2018, Valencia, Spain
- Travel Grant from IEEE GRSS to attend IGARSS 2018, Valencia, Spain
- JRF and SRF Fellowship by SAC ISRO, Ahmedabad (Dec. 2016-12 Dec 2019)
- JRF Fellowship by Indian Council of Agricultural Research, Agricultural division, New Delhi (Dec. 2016- 12 Dec 2019)
- First Prize (One Lakh Rupees) at the DARC Drone festival, ITDA, Dehradun in "Flying Eyes" competition
- First Prize (One Lakh Rupees) at the DARC Drone festival, ITDA, Dehradun in "UAV Image Analysis" competition
- MHRD Scholarship, M Tech. (July-2013 to May 2015)
- Gate Score 736 in 2013.
Journal papers:
- A. K. Maurya, A. N. J. Kukunuri & D. Singh (2023) Information fusion approach for downscaling coarse resolution scatterometer data, International Journal of Image and Data Fusion, 14:1, 89-106, DOI: 10.1080/19479832.2022.2144955.
- A. K. Maurya, N. Bhargava, and D. Singh, “Efficient selection of SAR features using ML based algorithms for accurate FVC estimation,” Advances in Space Research, Jun. 2022, doi: 10.1016/j.asr.2022.06.039.
- A. K. Maurya, D. Murugan, and D. Singh, “An approach for soil moisture estimation using urban and vegetation fraction cover from coarse resolution Scatsat-1 data,” Advances in Space Research, vol. 68, no. 3, pp. 1329–1340, 2021, doi: 10.1016/j.asr.2021.03.022.
- D. Murugan, A. K. Maurya, A. Garg, D. Singh, "A Framework for High-Resolution Soil Moisture Extraction Using SCATSAT-1 Scatterometer Data.", in IETE Technical Review, Taylor and Francis, 2019.
Conference papers:
- A. K. Maurya, R. Yadav, and D. Singh," An Approach to Flood Monitoring with Sentinel-1 Data over Dehradun Region", 2023 IEEE India Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (InGARSS). IEEE, 2023.
- A. K. Maurya, L. S. Khangarot and D. Singh, "Crop Phenology Studies Using RGB Drone Data," 2023 International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Communication and Computers (ELEXCOM), Roorkee, India, 2023, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/ELEXCOM58812.2023.10370340.
- K. Rathore, A. K. Maurya, L. S. Khangarot and D. Singh, "Critical Analysis of Machine Learning Technique for Discriminating the Similar Vegetation Pattern," 2023 International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Communication and Computers (ELEXCOM), Roorkee, India, 2023, pp. 1-4, doi: 10.1109/ELEXCOM58812.2023.10370185.
- A. N. J. Kukunuri, A. Singh, A. K. Maurya, A. Saini and D. Singh, "Experimental Analysis for Classifying Mixed Classes Using Sentinel 1 and Sentinel 2 Data," 2023 International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Communication and Computers (ELEXCOM), Roorkee, India, 2023, pp. 1-4, doi: 10.1109/ELEXCOM58812.2023.10370594.
- A. K. Maurya, V. Kashyap, and D. Singh," Efficient use of interferometric coherence for improvement in classification of urban and tall vegetation with SAR data", in 2022 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium IGARSS, Jul. 2022.
- V. Singh, G. Singh, and A. K. Maurya" Development of Deep Learning Based Technique for Iceberg Detection with 6sd of Polarametric Sar Data", n 2022 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium IGARSS, Jul. 2022.
- A. K. Maurya, M. Nadeem, D. Singh, K. P. Singh, and N. S. Rajput, “Critical Analysis of Machine Learning Approaches for Vegetation Fractional Cover Estimation Using Drone and Sentinel-2 Data,” in 2021 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium IGARSS, Jul. 2021, pp. 343–346. doi: 10.1109/IGARSS47720.2021.9554422.
- A. K. Maurya and D. Singh, “Optimization of Model Parameters for Sm Estimation using Sentinel-1 Data with Efficient Analysis of Wheat Growth Cycle,” in IGARSS 2020-2020 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 2020, pp. 4578–4581.
- A. K. Maurya, D. Murugan, D. Singh, and K. P. Singh, “A Step for Digital Agriculture by Estimating Near Real Time Soil Moisture with Scatsat-1 Data,” in IGARSS 2019 - 2019 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Jul. 2019, pp. 5698–5701. doi: 10.1109/IGARSS.2019.8898433.
- A. K. Maurya, D. Singh, and K. P. Singh, “Development of Fusion Approach for Estimation of Vegetation Fraction Cover with Drone and Sentinel-2 Data,” in IGARSS 2018 - 2018 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Jul. 2018, pp. 7448–7451. doi: 10.1109/IGARSS.2018.8517613.
- A. K. Maurya, G. S. Phartiyal, D. Singh, "A critical analysis of polarimetriec signatures on PALSAR 2 data for land cover classification", in 2016 11th International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems (ICIIS), IEEE, 2016 10.1109/ICIINFS.2016.8263070
- A. K. Maurya, T. Ahmed, D. Singh, R. Balasubramanian, "An approach to use polarimetric signature for land cover classification", in 2015 National Conference on Recent Advances in Electronics & Computer Engineering (RAECE), IEEE, 2015. Doi: 10.1109/RAECE.2015.7510200