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Weed Science Research

Project Title:  Biology and management of new invasive weed species in the nursery industry

Investigator(s):   Jeffrey Derr and Neal

Project Summary:

Evaluate the germination and growth of new nursery weeds and determine optimum control measures. 


Project Title:  Integrated pest management of weeds in landscapes - Develop Integrated Pest Management (IPM) strategies for weeds in nursery crops

Investigator(s):   Jeffrey Derr

Project Summary:

Determine alternatives to chemicals for weed management through evaluation of mulches, landscape fabrics, and other nonchemical strategies for weed control.  Evaluate herbicides with reduced risk to the environment for cost-effective weed management in horticultural crops.  Evaluate organic control options.


Project Title:  Management of sedges in container and field nursery production  

Investigator(s):   Jeffrey Derr

Project Summary:

Evaluate cultural and chemical control of troublesome weed species in lawn care.


Project Title:  Control of annual and perennial weed species in turfgrass  

Investigator(s):   Jeffrey Derr

Project Summary:

Evaluate cultural and chemical control of troublesome weed species in lawn care.


Project Title:  Weed management in tree and small fruit production  

Investigator(s):   Jeffrey Derr

Project Summary:

Develop improved control of annual and perennial broadleaf weeds in tree and small fruit production.