Get ready for the FSMA 204 traceability rule in 2026 and join us for the upcoming Seafood Traceability Summit, where industry experts and thought leaders will gather to discuss the latest trends, challenges, and innovations in seafood traceability.

The event will be held at the Virginia Tech Newport News Center on May 3rd, but a Zoom/Teams link will also be available for virtual attendees!

Join us on May 3rd to discuss advancements in food traceability

A $25 registration fee will be applied for partial cost recovery.
Invited speakers will be automatically registered and no action needs to be taken.

If you encounter any issue with registration, please contact

May 3, 2024

7:30 am - 8:00 am
Registration & Breakfast

8:00 am - 8:10 am
Kickoff for Seafood Traceability Summit
Michael Schwarz
VSAREC, Director

8:10 am - 8:55 am
Joe Lasprogata
Samuels & Son Seafoods, Vice President

8:55 am - 9:40 am
FDA Overview on the Food Traceability Rule 
Adam Friedlander
Policy Analyst, FDA

9:40 am - 10:25 am
GS1 standards for FSMA 204
Lucy Angarita 
GS1, Community Engagement Director

Break 10:25 am - 10:35 am

10:35 am - 11:05 am
The National Shellfish Sanitation Program, the Originator of Traceability
Sarah Good
Shellfish Plant Program Manager, Virginia Department of Health

11:05 am - 11:35 am
Title TBD
Mike Hutt
Director, Virginia Marine Products Board

11:35 am - 12:05 pm
Title TBD
Blake Harris
Global Food Traceability Center, IFT

Lunch 12:05 pm - 12:50 pm

12:50 pm - 1:20 pm
It’s Not a Sprint But a Marathon: How to Prepare for FDA’s Traceability Rule
Lisa Weddig
Chief Food Safety Manager, National Fishery Institute 

1:20 pm - 1:50 pm
Title TBD
Deon Engelbrecht
Sales Manager, Marel

1:50 pm - 2:20 pm
Title TBD
Jayson Berryhill
Cofounder, Whole Chain

2:20 pm - 2:50 pm
Don't Sell Traceability: Learnings from the Shellfish Industry
Chip Terry
CEO, Blue Trace

Break 2:50 - 3:00 pm

3:00 pm - 3:30 pm
Title TBD
Patrick Zelaya
CEO, Heavy Connect

3:30 pm - 4:00 pm
The Expanding role of Traceability: A New Public / Private Relationship
Sharmeenk Khan
Founder, OpsSmart Global

4:00 pm - 4:40 pm
Tour to VSAREC (optional)

Conference location:
700 Tech Center Pkwy Suite 305, Newport News, VA 23606

Free on-site parking available


Marriott at City Center
740 Town Center Drive | Newport News, VA 23606

Group booking (rate @ $107 + tax) here

Or call reservation system at 866-329-1758 and ask for the Seafood Traceability group block. Block will be open until April 7th, 2024 or until block is full.

Transportation from hotel to the venue will be provided at 7:20 am the morning or the summit.