Michael L. Jahncke
Professor Emeritus of Food Science and Technology

Ph.D., Major: Food Science, Minors: Microbiology; Agricultural Marketing, 1985, Cornell University
M.S., Major: Fisheries Science (Aquaculture), Minor: Animal Nutrition, 1980, Cornell University
B.S., Major: Fisheries-Wildlife Management, 1975, U.W.-Stevens Point
Organizational Memberships
- Joint Institute for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition (FDA/Univ. MD), [JIFSAN], Peru, Philippines, Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Bangladesh, China, India
- JIFSAN HACCP and Sanitation Training Team in Thailand
- Member U.S. Delegation Codex Alimentarius-Food Hygiene Committee
- Member National Advisory Committee on Microbiological Criteria for Foods (NACMCF)
- U.S. Mexus-Gulf NMFS Seafood Technology Representative to Mexico
- Public Member of the Board Global Cold Chain Alliance (GCCA)
- Chair Scientific Advisory Council, Global Cold Chain Alliance (GCCA),World Food Logistics Organization (WFLO)
- Steering Committee and Executive Committee, Seafood HACCP Alliance
- FDA Outstanding Customer Service Award
- FDA-Leveraging/Collaboration Award
- FDA-Certificate of Appreciation- Seafood AFDO HACCP Training
- FDA-Director’s Special Citation
- Gamma Sigma Delta, Faculty Extension Award of Merit
- Academic Keys Who’s Who in Agriculture Higher Education
- Marquis Who’s Who in America and Albert Nelson Lifetime Achievement Award
- Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) for the Seafood Industry
- Sanitation Control Procedures (SCP) for the Seafood Industry
- Good Aquaculture Practices (GAqPs) for the Aquaculture Industry
- Conducting research on the application of HACCP principles as a risk management tool to control chemicals and drugs in aquaculture products.
- Conducting research on determining safe time/temperature cooking procedures to maintain quality and to ensure the thermal destruction of pathogens in seafood products.
- Conducting research on the development and application of Post Harvest Processing (PHP) procedures to ensure safe oyster products.
- Development of post harvest handling and processing methods, new packaging and packaging procedures to ensure the quality and safety of seafood products.
- Provide science based information to the seafood processing industry to help ensure safe, high-quality products.
- Provide training and information to the seafood processing industry on food safety and food quality through training on Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP), Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs), Sanitation Sanitary Operating Procedures (SSOPs), and Good Employee Hygienic Practices.
- Conduct in-plant microbial surveillance sampling, shelf-life and quality determinations for new value added products, and evaluation of seafood products for safety and quality.
- Provide training on Good Aquaculture Practices (GAqPs).
- Elbashir* S., S. Parveen, J. Schwarz, T. Rippen, M. Jahncke,, and A. DePaola. 2018. Seafood Pathogens and Information on Antimicrobial Resistance: A Review. Food Microbiology. Vol. 70, 85-93.
- Elmahdi* S., S. Parveen, S. Ossai, L. DaSilva, M. Jahncke, J. Bowers, and J. Jacobs. 2018. Characterization of Vibrio parahaemolyticus and Vibrio vulnificus from oysters during an oyster relay study. 2018. Applied Environmetal Microbiology. 84(3).
- Parveen, S. , M. Jahncke. S. Elmahdi*, H. Crocker, J. Bowers, C. White, S. Gray, A. C. Morris, and K.. 2017. High Salinity Relaying to Reduce Vibrio parahaemolyticus and Vibrio vulnificus in Chesapeake Bay Oysters Crassostrea virginica. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 82(2), 489-491.
- Jahncke, M. 2016. Seafood Processing and Safety. Foods2016,5, 34. www.mdpi.com/journal/foods
- WU J.*, M. Jahncke, J. Eifert, S. O'Keefe, G. Welbaum. Jian Wu, Michael L. Jahncke, Joseph D. Eifert, Sean O'Keefe, and Gregory E. Welbaum. 2015. Pomegranate peel (Punica granatum. L.) extract and Chinese gall (Gall chinensis) extract inhibit Vibrio parahaemolyticus and Listeria monocytogenes on cooked shrimp and raw tuna, Food Control, (59): 695-699.
- Woitel F., J. TRUSHENSKI, M. Schwarz, M. Jahncke. 2014 More Judicious Use of Fish Oil in Cobia Feeds: I. Assessing the Relative Merits of Alternative Lipids, North American Journal of AquacultureNorth American Journal of Aquaculture 76(3) · July.
- Woitel F., J. TRUSHENSKI, M. Schwarz, M. Jahncke. 2014. More Judicious Use of Fish Oil in Cobia Feeds: II. Effects of Graded Fish Oil Sparing and Finishing. North American Journal of Aquaculture.North American Journal of Aquaculture 76(3) · July.
- Brookmire L.*, P. Mallikarjunan, M. Jahncke, R. Grisso. 2013. Optimum Cooking Conditions for Shrimp and Atlantic Salmon. Journal of Food Science. Vol. 78, No. 2 S303-S313.
- *Tyler, C. G., M. Jahncke, S. Sumner, C. Hackney, R. Boyer, H. Wang, and T. Rippen. 2012. Inhibition of Listeria monocytogenes by Carnobacterium piscicola in fresh and pasteurized crab meat. Food Protection Trends, Vol. 32. No. 7. Pp. 384-390.
- *Tyler, C. G., M. Jahncke, S. Sumner, R. Boyer, C. Hackney, and T. Rippen. 2010. Role of Package Type on Shelf-life of Fresh Crab Meat. Food Protection Trends 30 (11): 796-802.
- National Advisory Committee on Microbiological Criteria for Foods (NACMCF). 2010. Parameters for Determining Inoculated Pack/Challenge Study Protocols. Journal of Food Protection. 73 (1): 140–202.
- National Advisory Committee on Microbiological Criteria for Foods (NACMCF). 2010. Response to Questions Posed by the FSIS Regarding Determination of the Most Appropriate Technologies for the FSIS to Adopt in Performing Routine and Baseline Microbiological Analyses. Journal of Food Protection. 73(6): 1160-1200.
- *Sarnoski, P. J., S.F. O’Keefe, M. L. Jahncke, P. Mallikarjunan, and G. J. Flick. 2010. Analysis of Crab Meat Volatiles as Possible Spoilage Indicators of Blue Crab (Callinectes sapidus) Meat by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry. Journal of Food Chemistry. 122:930-935.
- NACMCF. 2009. Parameters for Determining Inoculated Pack/Challenge Study Protocols. Journal of Food Protection. (In Press).
- *Sarnoski, P. J., S.F. O’Keefe, M. L. Jahncke, P. Mallikarjunan, and G. J. Flick. 2009. Analysis of Crab Meat Volatiles as Possible Spoilage Indicators of Blue Crab (Callinectes sapidus) Meat by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry. Journal of Food Chemistry. (In Press).
- *Arritt, F., J. Eifert, M. Jahncke, R. Williams, M. Pierson. 2008. Detection and enumeration of Listeria monocytogenes in refrigerated and frozen seafood products. Food Protection Trends. 28(4):248-252.
- Jahncke, M. L. and M. H. Schwarz. 2008. HACCP and other programs to ensure safe products and for sustainable fish farming. Chapter 21. Pages 517-546. In: Improving Farmed Fish Quality and Safety. (Oyvind Lie, Editor). Woodhead Publishing in Food Science, Technology and Nutrition. Cambridge, England. ISBN 978-1-84569-019-9.
- *Lee, Byung-Duo, J. Koo, M. L. Jahncke, D. Kim, Dong-Ok Chung, and J. B. Eun. 2008. Antimicrobial Effect of Acidified Sodium Chlorite (ASC) on Whole Croaker. Journal of Food Science and Nutrition Vol. 13 Pp. 266-268.
- National Advisory Committee on Microbiological Criteria for Foods (NACMCF). 2008. Response to the Question by the Food and Drug Administration and the National Marine Fisheries Service Regarding Determination of Cooking Parameters for Safe Seafood for Consumers. Journal of Food Protection. 71(6):1287-1308.
- *Sarnoski, P., M. L. Jahncke, S. F. O’Keefe, P. Mallikarjunan, and G. J. Flick. 2008. Determination of Quality Attributes of Blue Crab (Callinectes sapidus) by Electronic Nose and Draeger-Tube Analyses. Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology. 234-252.
- *Arritt, F., J. Eifert, M. Jahncke, R. Williams, M. Pierson. 2007. Effects of Modified Atmosphere Packaging on Toxin Production by Clostridium botulinum in Raw Aquacultured Summer Flounder Fillets (Paralichthys dentatus). Food Protection Trends. 28(4):248-252.
- Jahncke, M. L. 2007. Aquaculture Product Safety and Consumer Health. JIFSAN Good Aquacultural Practices Program. Joint Institute for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition (JIFSAN) Patapsco Building Suite 1122, University of Maryland, College Park 20740.
- Jahncke, M.L. 2007. Traceability from Farm to Table. JIFSAN Good Aquacultural Practices Program. Joint Institute for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition (JIFSAN) Patapsco Building Suite 1122, University of Maryland, College Park 20740.
- Jahncke, M. L. 2007. Antibiotics and Use of Chemotherapeutics. JIFSAN Good Aquacultural Practices Program. Joint Institute for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition (JIFSAN) Patapsco Building Suite 1122, University of Maryland, College Park 20740.
- Jahncke, M. L. 2007. Use of HACCP Principles to Control Antibiotic Residues in Aquacultured Products. JIFSAN Good Aquacultural Practices Program. Joint Institute for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition (JIFSAN) Patapsco Building Suite 1122, University of Maryland, College Park 20740.
- Pivarnik, L., D. Hicks, M. Jahncke, and K. Gall. 2007. Needs Assessment Survey of Sanitation, Good Manufacturing and Hygienic Training Practices for Food Processors, Wholesalers and Warehouse Operators. Food Protection Trends. 27(6):400-507.
- Koo, J., M. Jahncke, P. Reno, H. Xiaopei, and P. Mallikarjunan. 2006. Inactivation of Vibrio parahaemolyticus and Vibrio vulnificus in Phosphate-Buffered Saline and in Inoculated Whole Oysters by High Pressure Processing. Journal of Food Protection 69(3):596-601.
- Koo, J. and M. Jahncke. 2006. Acid adapted Vibrio parahaemolyticus and Vibrio vulnificus enhance survival in acidic environments. Journal of Aquatic Food Products Technology: 15(2):47-56.
- *Soung-Hun, C., M.L. Jahncke, C. Koo-bok, and J. Eun. 2006. The effect of processing conditions on the properties of gelatin from skate (Raja kenojei) skins. Food Hydrocolloids. 20(6):810-816.
- *Hu A., P. Mallikarjunan, J. Koo, L. Andrews and M. Jahncke. 2005. Comparison of kinetic models to describe high pressure and gamma irradiation used to inactivate Vibrio vulnificus and Vibrio parahaemolyticus prepared in buffer solution and in whole oysters. Journal of Food Protection. pp. 292-295.
- Mowry D., M. Schwarz, K. Hartman, M. Jahncke and S. Smith. 2005. Efficacy of hydrogen peroxide in marine recirculating aquaculture systems holding Summer Flounder Paralichthys dentatus. 17(1) : 65-75.
- Scott, V.N., M. Wiedmann, D. Hicks, R. Collette, M. Jahncke, and K. Gall. 2005. Guidelines for Listeria testing of environmental, raw product and finished product samples in smoked seafood processing facilities. Food Protection Trends 25(1):23-34.
- *Smith-Asher, J.L., L. Granata, G. Flick, M. Jahncke, and R. Croonenburghs. 2005. Cleaning effectiveness and hand washing procedures in the removal of Listeria spp. in blue crab (Callinectes sapidus) processing plants. Journal of Aquatic Food Product Technology 14(1): 39-53.
- *Xiaopei, H., P. Mallikarjunan, J. Koo, L. Andrews, and M. Jahncke. 2005. Comparison of kinetics on high pressure and irradiation inactivation of Vibrio vulnificus and Vibrio parahaemolyticus in buffer solutions and whole oysters. Journal of Food Protection. 68(2):292-295.
- *Soung-Hun, C., M. Jahncke, and J. Eun. 2004. Nutritional composition and microflora of the fresh and fermented skate (Raja kenojei) skins. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition. 55(1):45-51.
- Gall, K., V.N. Scott, R. Collette, M. Jahncke, D. Hicks, and M. Martin. 2004. Implementing targeted good manufacturing practices and sanitation procedures to minimize Listeria monocytogenes contamination of smoked seafood products. Food Protection Trends 24(5):302-315.
- Hicks, D., M. Weidmann, V. Scott, R. Collette, M. Jahncke, and K. Gall. 2004. Minimizing Listeria contamination in smoked seafood: Training plant personnel. Food Protection Trends 24(12):953-960.
- Jahncke, M., R. Collette, D. Hicks , M. Wiedmann, V. Scott , and K. Gall. 2004. Treatment options to eliminate, reduce, or control growth of Listeria monocytogenes on raw material and on finished product for the smoked fish industry. Food Protection Trends 24(8):612-619.
- Mowry, D.E., M.H. Schwarz, K.P. Hughes, M.L. Jahncke, S.A. Smith. 2004. Efficacy of hydrogen peroxide in marine recirculating aquaculture systems holding summer flounder Paralichthys dentatus. Journal of Applied Aquaculture. (In Press).
- *Soung-Hun, C., M. Jahncke, and J. Eun. 2004. Nutritional composition and microflora of the fresh and fermented skate Raja kenoje skins. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition. 55(1):45-51.
- *Xiaopei, H., P. Mallikarjunan, J. Koo, L. Andrews, and M. Jahncke. 2004. Comparison of kinetics on high pressure and irradiation inactivation of Vibrio vulnificus and Vibrio parahaemolyticus in buffer solutions and whole oysters. Journal of Food Protection.
- Andrews, L., M.L. Jahncke, and K. Mallikarjunan. 2003. Low dose gamma irradiation to reduce pathogenic Vibrios in live oysters. J. of Aquatic Food Prod. Technol. 12(3):71-82.
- Gaylord, T.G., M.H. Schwarz, G.M. Davitt, R.W. Cool, M.L. Jahncke, and S.R. Craig. 2003. Dietary lipid utilization by juvenile summer flounder (Paralichthys dentatus). J. World Aqua. Soc. 34(2):229-235.
- IFT. 2002. IFT Expert Report. Emerging microbiological food safety issues-implications for control in the 21st century. Institute of Food Technologists. Scientific and technical panel: Potter, M. (Panel Chair), D. Archer, A. Benson, F. Busta, J. Dickson, M. Doyle, J. Farber, B. Finlay, M. Goldblatt, C. Hedberg, D. Hoover, M. Jahncke, L. Jaykus, C. Kaspar, A. Liang, J. Lindsay, J. Pestka, M. Pierson, P. Slade, R. Tompkin, and M. Tortorello. An expert report of the Institute of Food Technologists. 107 pp.
- IFT/FDA. 2001. Processing parameters needed to control pathogens in cold smoked fish. Scientific and technical panel: Busta, F., G.E. Bledsoe, G.J. Flick, L. Gram, D. Herman, M.L. Jahncke, and Dr. R. Ward. A report of the Institute of Food Technologists for the Food and Drug Administration of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. March 29, 2001. IFT/FDA Contract No. 223-98-2333. Task Order 2.
- Jahncke, M.L. and D. Herman. 2001. Processing parameters needed to control pathogens in cold-smoked fish: Chapter VI. Control of food safety hazards during cold-smoked fish processing. Special Supplement. J. Food Sci. 66(7):S-1104-1112.
- Garrett, E.S., M.L. Jahncke, and R. Martin. 2000. Applications of HACCP principles to address food safety and other issues in aquaculture: An overview. J. of Aquatic Food Products Technology. 9(1):5-20.
- *Hoke, M., M. Jahncke, J.L. Silva, and J. Hearnsberger. 2000. Stability of frozen mince from channel catfish frames. J. of Food Sci. 65(6):252-256.
- Seaborn, G., M. Jahncke, and T.I.J. Smith. 2000. Use of fatty acid profiles to distinguish wild from cultured fish: A forensics tool. N. Amer. J. of Fish. Management 20:618-626.
- *Suvanich, V., D.L. Marshall and M.L. Jahncke. 2000. Color and textural properties of gels prepared from catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) frame mince and surimi as affected by storage conditions. J. of Food Sci. 65(1):151-154.\
- *Suvanich, V., M.L. Jahncke, and D.L. Marshall. 2000. Changes in selected chemical quality characteristics of channel catfish frame mince during chill and frozen storage. J. of Food Sci. 65(1):24-29.
- Public, animal and environmental aquaculture health issues. 2002. (M.L. Jahncke, E.S. Garrett, A. Reilly, R.E. Martin, and E. Cole, Editors). John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 605 Third Avenue, New York, New York 10158-0012. ISBN: 0-471-38772-X. 204 pp.
Book Chapters
- Jahncke, M. L. and D. Kauffman. 2012. Underutilized (Latent) Species. Chapter 8. Pages 95-103. In: The Seafood Industry 2nd Edition. (R. E. Martin, G. J. Flick, and L. Granata, Editors). Van Nostrand Reinhold. New York.
- Jahncke, M. L. and M. H. Schwarz. 2008. HACCP and other programs to ensure safe products and for sustainable fish farming. Chapter 21. Pages 517-546. In: Improving Farmed Fish Quality and Safety. (Oyvind Lie, Editor). Woodhead Publishing in Food Science, Technology and Nutrition. Cambridge, England. ISBN 978-1-84569-019-9.
- Jahncke, M. L. 2008. A Review: Processing parameters needed to control pathogens in cold smoked fish. In: International smoked seafood conference proceedings. (D. E. Kramer and L. Brown, Editors). Pp. 15-19. Alaska Sea Grant College Program. University of Alaska, Fairbanks. AK-SG-08-02.
- Jahncke, M. L. and M.H. Schwarz. 2002. Public, animal and environmental aquaculture health issues in industrialized countries. Chapter 3. Pages 67-102. In: Public, animal and environmental aquaculture health issues. (M. Jahncke, E.S. Garrett, A. Reilly, R.E. Martin, and E. Cole, Editors). John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 605 Third Avenue, New York, New York 10158-0012. 204 pp.
- Jahncke, M.L. 2002. Future considerations of global aquaculture. Chapter 6. Pages 167-181. In: Public, animal and environmental aquaculture health issues. (M. Jahncke, E.S. Garrett, A. Reilly, R.E. Martin, and E. Cole, Editors). John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 605 Third Avenue, New York, New York 10158-0012. 204 pp.
- Jahncke, M.L., C.L. Browdy, M.H. Schwarz, A. Segars, J.L. Silva, D.C. Smith, and A. Stokes. 2001. Use of hazard analysis critical control point (HACCP) principles as a risk management tool to control exotic viruses at shrimp production and processing facilities. In: Sustainable shrimp culture (C. Browdy and J. Cooksey, Editors). World Aquaculture Society
Extension Publications
- Villalba A., M. Jahncke. 2012. The Seafood Hazard Guide, 4th Edition: Summary of Changes and Recommendations. AREC-18P.
- Schwarz, M., , M. Jahncke, A. Lazur. 2010. Overview of Good Aquaculture Practices. Virginia Cooperative Extension Fact Sheet #600-054, and Virginia Sea Grant # VSG-09-07.
- Villalba A., A. Sarjahani, E. Serrano, M. Schwarz, M. Jahncke, E. Serrano. 2010. Pescados yMariscos en Virginia - Inocuos y Nutritivos. Virginia Cooperative Extension. Available at: http:// pubs.ext.vt.edu/348S/348-961S/348-961S.html.
- Villalba, A., E. Serrano, A. Sarjahani, M. H. Schwarz, and M. Jahncke. 2008. Safe and Nutritious Seafood in Virginia. Virginia Cooperative Extension. Publication # 348-961.
- Villalba A., R. Lane, M. Jahncke. 2006. HACCP Verification Procedures -Validation of Blue Crab Retort Processes. Virginia Cooperative Extension Fact Sheet #600-070, and Virginia Sea Grant # Ext Pub Num: VSG-06-09.
- Villalba A., M. Jahncke, D. Schools, S. Dunn, F. Monis, C. Mickiewicz. Sanitation Monitoring for seafood processors. AREC-163NP.
- Villalba A., M. Jahncke, D. Kuhn, A. Farris, M. Schwarz. Safe and nutritious seafood in Virginia. AREC-156P.
- Flick, G., M.L. Jahncke, A. Draillu, and W.R. Croonenberghs. 2003. Curbing a potential killer: Research and outreach on Listeria monocytogenes. Virginia Sea Grant Program. VSG-03-09. 4 pp.
- Flick, G. and M.L. Jahncke. 2002. HACCP: Assuring seafood safety. Virginia Sea Grant: Moving the course. Virginia Sea Grant Program. VSG-02-04. 4 pp.
- Jahncke, M.L., C. Browdy, M.H. Schwarz, A. Segars, J. Silva, D.C. Smith, and A. Stokes. 2002. Application of HACCP principles as a risk management tool to control viral pathogens at shrimp aquaculture facilities. Virginia Sea Grant Program. VSG-02-10. 33 pp.
- Jahncke, M.L. and R.M. Lane. 2001. Seafood pasteurization manual. VSAREC. 56 pp.
- DuPaul, W., G.J. Flick, and M.L. Jahncke. 2000-2001. Virginia Sea Grant Marine Advisory Program. 113 pp.
- Jahncke, M., D. Green, T. Rippen, D. Hicks, T. Reilly, R. Collette, C. Fernandes, Y. Huang, and R. Fisher. 2000. A plan to improve the competitiveness of the blue crab processing industry and the quality of crab meat products in the U.S. marketplace. VA Sea Grant Program. VSG-00-03. 16 pp.
Trade Journal Articles
- Jahncke M., T. Rippen, R. Lane. Innovative Packaging for the Crab Meat Processing Industry INFO Fish International Magazine. April, 2012. Pages 40-42. www.infofish.org.
- Jahncke M. Use of HACCP Principles to Control Chemicals and Biological Hazards in Aquaculture. World Food Logistics Organization/International Association of Refrigerated Warehouses. Scientists Speak. Annual Meeting, Tucson, Arizona, April 22-26, 2012.
- Jahncke, M.L. 2011. Cost Effective Post Harvest Processing Methods to Ensure the Safety of Aquacultured Oysters. In: Global Aquaculture Advocate.
- Jahncke M. 2010. Freezing as a process to reduce Vibrio numbers to non-detectable levels in raw molluscan shellfish. Scientist Speak. In: Global Cold Chain Alliance.
- Lane R., M. Jahncke. 2010. "Cooling Oysters Within the New 10 Hour Required Time Frame from the Environment to 50 degrees F or Below in a Refrigerated Storage Area" International Shellfish Restoration Conference November 18, 2010, Charleston SC.
- Jahncke, M. L. 2009. Proper cooking, storage yield safe seafood. Global Aquaculture Advocate. Sept.- Oct. 2009. pp. 47-49.
- Jahncke, M. L. 2008. Use of HACCP Principles to Control Antibiotic Residues in Aquacultured Products. Global Aquaculture Advocate. Sept.-Oct. 2008.
- Jahncke, M. L. 2005. Improving quality of raw fishery products. Global Aquaculture Advocate. Sept.-Oct. 2005. pp. 38-40.
- Jahncke, M.L., M.H. Schwarz, R.M. Lane, H.C. Sutton, and D.E. Mowry. 2003. Standard operating procedures for the Virginia Seafood Agricultural Research and Extension Center. 15 pp.
- Flick, G., M.L. Jahncke, A. Draillu, and W.R. Croonenberghs. 2003. Curbing a potential killer: Research and outreach on Listeria monocytogenes. Virginia Sea Grant Program. VSG-03-09. 4 pp.
- Jahncke, M.L. and M. H. Schwarz. 2003. Biosecurity protocols for the Virginia Institute of Marine Science/Kauffman Non-native Oyster Hatchery. 76 pp.
- Schwarz, M.H. and M.L. Jahncke. 2002. Facility design and flow-text for the Virginia Institute of Marine Science/Kauffman Non-native Oyster Hatchery. 35 pp.
- Flick, G. and M.L. Jahncke. 2002. HACCP: Assuring seafood safety. Virginia Sea Grant: Moving the course. Virginia Sea Grant Program. VSG-02-04. 4 pp.
- Jahncke, M.L. 2002. Treatment options to eliminate or reduce the growth of L. monocytogenes in raw material and finished product for the smoked fish industry. World Food Logistics Organization (WFLO) and the Refrigeration Research and Education Foundation (IARW). 10pp.
- Jahncke, M.L., C. Browdy, M.H. Schwarz, A. Segars, J. Silva, D.C. Smith, and A. Stokes. 2002. Application of HACCP principles as a risk management tool to control viral pathogens at shrimp aquaculture facilities. Virginia Sea Grant Program. VSG-02-10. 33 pp.
- Jahncke, M.L., M.H. Schwarz, C.L. Browdy, A. Segars, A.D. Stokes, J.L. Silva, and D.C. Smith. 2002. HACCP- Risk management tool controls of viral pathogens at shrimp facilities. Global News Aquaculture Advocate. Vol. 5, Issue 5, pp. 72-74.
- Jahncke, M.L. and R.M. Lane. 2001. Seafood pasteurization manual. VSAREC. 56 pp.
- DuPaul, W., G.J. Flick, and M.L. Jahncke. 2000-2001. Virginia Sea Grant Marine Advisory Program. 113 pp.
- Jahncke, M., D. Green, T. Rippen, D. Hicks, T. Reilly, R. Collette, C. Fernandes, Y. Huang, and R. Fisher. 2000. A plan to improve the competitiveness of the blue crab processing industry and the quality of crab meat products in the U.S. marketplace. VA Sea Grant Program. VSG-00-03. 16 pp.
- Schwarz, M.H., M.L. Jahncke, and R.W. Cool. 2000. A new airdriven marine recirculating system for summer flounder. Hatchery Magazine. Vol. 1. Issue 1. pp. 26-27.
* Denotes student