Forestry Research
Project Title: Christmas Tree & Hardwood Forestry Research
Investigator(s): Forestry research is done in cooperation with the Virginia Department of Forestry (VDOF).
Project Summary:

Research conducted utilizes approximately 1 acre for a planting of eastern white pine handling study. This is a replicated test of the effects of several storage times, shipping methods, and planting exposure on early growth and survival of white pine. The study was planted in March and April, 2007 at a very close spacing (2 x 2 feet) and will last two years. It is important for Christmas tree growers and others who plant white pine in southwest Virginia because there have been reports of unacceptable survival in recent years and we need to develop recommended practices to avoid the problem in the future.
There is also a 30 area of eastern white pines established for future research needs at the center. There is also a site designated for a planting of a hardwood establishment trial for northern red and black oak. This project entails planting various sized seedlings of these two species at approximately a 10 x 10 ft spacing and using mulching mats, seedling tubes, weed control, and/or fertilizer to try to enhance their early growth and survival. The information from this trial is intended to provide improved reforestation recommendations to the CREP program, this set of plots were established in a field nearer to the stream to better represent riparian zone conditions.