Sheep Research
Project Title: Sheep Research and the Virginia Sheep Evaluation Center
Investigator(s): Scott Greiner
Project Summary:

The Virginia Sheep Breeders Association, in cooperation with the Shenandoah Valley AREC, operates the Virginia Sheep Evaluation Center located at the center. Constructed in 1975, the facility is used for performance testing purebred rams from producers throughout Virginia and for various research projects. Each year, the top performing rams are sold at auction on the last Saturday in August to seed stock and commercial sheep producers throughout the mid-Atlantic region. To date, more than 2,000 rams have been tested in the facility and more than 1,500 rams have been sold. Additional information about the current rams on test and the sale catalog can be found at:
- Development of procedures for carcass trait genetic evaluation using ultrasound for the U.S. sheep industry (Emenheiser, Notter, Greiner).