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On-site Faculty E-mail Position / Areas of Interest
Kyle R. Peer Superintendent
Staff E-mail Position / Areas of Interest
Deborah Bird Agricultural Specialist I
Brian Sawyers Agricultural Specialist III
Off-site Faculty Department Research Involvement at Reynolds
Mike Aust Virginia Tech Forestry Forestry BMP's and erosion control
Chad Bolding Virginia Tech Forestry Forestry BMP's and erosion control
Tom Fox Virginia Tech Forestry Forest nutrition
John Seiler Virginia Tech Forestry Tree physiology
Harold Burkhart Virginia Tech Forestry Stand modeling and tree pruning to increase value
Amy Brunner Virginia Tech Forestry Poplar species genetics and testing
Jason Holliday Virginia Tech Forestry Climatic adaptation in widely distributed tree species
Shep Zedaker Virginia Tech Forestry Herbicide testing
Lloyd Hipkins Virginia Tech Plant Pathology, Physiology, & Weed Science Herbicide testing