Joseph Carroll Oakes

2229 Menokin Road
Warsaw, VA 22572
Warsaw, VA 22572
Ph.D. Crop Science, 2015, North Carolina State University
M.S. Crop Science, 2012, North Carolina State University
B.S. Biology, 2010, Bob Jones University
My research focuses on using remote sensing to more accurately and efficiently collect data to make informed decisions in grain crops. This includes using aerial imagery to collect phenotypic data, as well as determining when to apply inputs such as fertilizer.
A public field day is held at EVAREC each year. During even numbered years, the focus is on small grains, and during odd numbered years the focus is on soybeans. Field days include presentations from plant breeders and extension specialists. Tours of the center and presentations to groups or events are available upon request.
- Sarkar, S., Cazenave, A. -B., Oakes, J., McCall, D., Thomason, W., Abbott, L., & Balota, M. (2021). Aerial high-throughput phenotyping of peanut leaf area index and lateral growth. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 11(1), 17 pages. doi:10.1038/s41598-021-00936-w
- Oakes, J. C., Balota, M., Jordan, D. L., Hare, A. T., & Sadeghpour, A. (2020). Peanut Response to Seeding Density and Digging Date in the Virginia-Carolina Region. Peanut Science, 47(3), 180-188. doi:10.3146/ps20-16.1
- Sarkar, S., A.-B. Cazenave, J. Oakes, D. McCall, W. Thomason, L. Abbott, and M. Balota. 2020. High-throughput measurement of peanut canopy height using Digital Surface Models (DSMs). The Plant Phenome Journal. doi: 10.1002/ppj2.20003
- Brasier K, Ward B, Smith J, Seago J, Oakes J, Balota M, et al. (2020) Identification of quantitative trait loci associated with nitrogen use efficiency in winter wheat. PLoS One 15(2): e0228775. pone.0228775
- Kyle Brasier, Carl Griffey, Clay Sneller, Joseph Oakes, Maria Balota, Mark Reiter, Ned Jones, Robert Pitman, Wade Thomason. Genotypic variation and stability for nitrogen use efficiency in winter wheat. 2019. Crop Science. doi:10.1002/csc2/20006
- Brasier, Kyle, Joseph Oakes, Maria Balota, Wade Thomason, and Carl Griffey. Greater Biomass Accumulation at Anthesis Increases Nitrogen Use Efficiency in Winter Wheat. 2019. Agronomy Journal. 111:2163-2173. doi:10.2134/agronj2018.10.0693
- Alexandre-Brice Cazenave, Joseph Oakes, Wade Thomason, Maria Balota. Use of unmanned aerial vehicle extracted data to predict health and tiller count in wheat. Proceedings Volume 11008, Autonomous Air and Ground Sensing Systems for Agricultural Optimization and Phenotyping IV; 110080X (2019)
- Oakes, J.C., A. Sadeghpour, and M. Balota. Grain Sorghum Response to Irrigation in Virginia. 2017. Crop, Forage, & Turfgrass Management. doi: 10.2134/cftm2017.08.0059.
- Joseph Oakes and Maria Balota. Distinguishing plant population and variety with UAV-derived vegetation indices ", Proc. SPIE 10218, Autonomous Air and Ground Sensing Systems for Agricultural Optimization and Phenotyping II, 102180G (May 16, 2017); doi:10.1117/12.2262631;
- Maria Balota and Joseph Oakes. UAV remote sensing for phenotyping drought tolerance in peanuts ", Proc. SPIE 10218, Autonomous Air and Ground Sensing Systems for Agricultural Optimization and Phenotyping II, 102180C (May 16, 2017); doi:10.1117/12.2262496;
- Oakes, J.C., R.W. Heiniger, J. Murphy, C. Crozier, G. Wilkerson. 2016. Phyllochron Interval and Yield Response to Planting Date and Fertility in Wheat. Crop, Forage, & Turfgrass Management.
- Maria Balota; Joseph Oakes. 2016. Exploratory use of a UAV platform for variety selection in peanut. Proc. SPIE 9866, Autonomous Air and Ground Sensing Systems for Agricultural Optimization and Phenotyping, 98660F.
- Oakes, J.C., R.W. Heiniger, J. Murphy, C. Crozier, G. Wilkerson. 2015. Kernel Development in Wheat. Crop, Forage, & Turfgrass Management.